Community Enabling
We provide assistance, guidance and support to individuals to connect with their local community, integrate with society, access activities and manage daily living tasks. We focus on enabling children, young people and adults to develop their confidence, skills and abilities to live an independent life where possible.
As an enabling service, our objective is to make daily life easier, more manageable and to reduce any anxiety. It is well-documented that day-to-day tasks and activities can be overwhelming and challenging. In essence, we aim to develop a relationship with the individual and identify any sensory needs, behavioural strategies or coping mechanisms to reduce any potential anxiety, distress and behaviours that may challenge. Brighter Enabling has strong beliefs in applying a holistic and person-centred approach to ensure the needs of the individual are well met. We aim to create a low demanding environment as possible in which people have the most efficient opportunity to build their confidence and self-esteem and to achieve their desired outcomes.
Here are some examples of the support we can offer: (This is not an exhaustive list)
Respite - for parents / carers to have some time for themselves to unwind and relax. The child, young person or adult to access their community and do something fun
Accessing activities and connecting the individual with their local community
Support with accessing social opportunities
Support with maintaining, developing or regaining life skills
Support with sourcing accommodation and with the application process
Creating a grocery list and accessing a supermarket, or supporting with the process of shopping online
Support with all aspects of admin, such as paying bills or corresponding to emails
Support the individual to collaborate with other agencies, organisations, or professionals
House cleaning and identifying a routine on how this can be facilitated
Support with developing independence with tasks such as laundry and meal prepping
Travel training on buses and trains
Developing social networks, accessing social clubs and having the opportunity to meet new or familiar faces
Managing nutrition and health needs
Accessing employment or meaningful occupation